Now I have always appreciated local wildlife everywhere I have been in all my travels. I love birds particularly, cats, dogs, cows with funny horns, name it. I have even been interested in bugs, especially strange and unusual ones, however, I have never, ever, ever found room in my heart for cockroaches!!! I hate everything about them, especially the way they move in that cockroachy, scuttery, trying to hide kind of way! And the noise and mess they make when you squash them........yuk! So I have felt particularly under attack this week as we have had no less that 5 in our room. How is it that they can still move after being sprayed several times with toxic chemicals which send me and my DH into fits of coughing? And why do their legs still twitch when you do eventually see them stop running? And why oh why do they run behind the wardrobe and I can't tell if they are dead or hiding, ready to make another bid for freedom as soon as my back is turned?
Today, Sarah, the lovely lady who cleans the room found 3 dead bodies behind the wardrobe so at least I know they are not going to scare me again. And yes, one of them was still twitching!!!
When I get to heaven I'm going to ask God.....why cockroaches???
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Monday, April 29, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
The story so far....
Back in Juba now after a lovely time in England, albeit VERY cold! I wasn't expecting it to be soooo cold and I wasn't able to do as many walks as I would have liked but it was great to see some signs of spring before I left.
It's a bit cooler here than when I left which is nice and I must say one of the good things about being back is being able to wear less clothes! I was wearing several layers, plus my Eskimo coat, hat, gloves, scarf, boots etc at home ( will try to attach a photo) and now I'm in summer dresses and sandals.
There is a lot of building work going on at the hotel here so I make it my duty to do daily inspections of the work.....for health and safety reasons of course....not that I'm nosy or anything. They are building some 3 bedroomed villas on the adjoining plot, with a swimming pool, very interesting.......I want one!
Also lots of political 'stuff' going on. We arrived in Kenya in the day of the new president's inauguration. Fortunately it was all over by the time we landed so the airport was normal. Not so the following day when we returned to the airport to get our flight to Juba. Seemed there were lots of 'important' people leaving, presumably having enjoyed the post inauguration bash the night before, and at one point we were asked by some security bods to stand aside while said 'important' people passed by. Anyway, us not very important people did as we were told and then carried on with our shopping. Two days after we arrived back in Juba, the president of Sudan decided to pay a visit. Fortunately he let us know of his plans in advance so we could avoid the town as (so our colleagues who didnt get the memo informed us) lots of roads were closed and security chaps were stopping everyone and checking vehicles for weapons. My clever DH worked at the hotel that day!
Hopefully I will get back into my routine this week, going to the girls centre, doing some shopping in town as well as checking the pool temperature .....oh yes ...and site inspections.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Let sleeping dogs lie.
Tuesday morning, having a lazy morning, didn't get up for breakfast. When DH went out at seven am the compound dog (Freda) came running over and was allowed into our room. She comes in sometimes, just for a rest and usually curls up on the mat, or on the tiled floor if she is very hot, and just sleeps. She has a busy life, being the best friend of a six year old boy, so she does need a place to hide from time to time.
She has been here almost 2 hours now but I don't want to get up in case I disturb her!
Not much to do anyway as I have packed my case and organised my hand luggage as i am going home tomorrow!!! Have a shopping list ready for this afternoon, after I have had lunch with my DH. When the dog wakes up I might have a swim.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Wrong type of rain?
Today started cool and cloudy and then it rained. Proper rain this time, the wet kind. Didn't last long though and within minutes the ground was dry again, leaving no evidence of precipitation whatsoever within the compound. The market however, was a different story. As I wandered around selecting my salad ingredients I tried to avoid several puddles (of the wet variety) failing miserably just as I spotted the cucumber. Nursing one soggy, muddy sandal, (and a cucumber) I squelched my way over to the tomatoes and then headed home. Said sandal is now drying in the hot afternoon sun on my patio........I don't fancy salad now......
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
And more dust!
Today it is VERY windy and there is so much dust in the air. All the poor chaps working out in the grounds here at the hotel are suffering with watery, stinging eyes. The expats who normally work at a table under a tree have retreated to their rooms or the restaurant, dust isn't good for computers either.
I am sure this wind is bad enough to do damage, so i'm thinking about people whose houses are not very secure, roofs might be blown off, fences might be blown down etc. I am so safe here in my bubble.
Yesterday I was at the girls' centre having fun with the kids and balloons and story books. Just as I was leaving one of the little ones (Kedende, my favourite, although i know i shouldn't have one) got upset about something i didnt see. She took off her clothes and threw herself on the floor of the compound and rolled around in the dirt and stones crying her head off. I have seen kids have tantrums in supermarkets at home of course, but the poor child seemed unconsolable, even when one of the other volunteers and I tried to sit her up and dust her off. I am told Kidende has a 'troubled' past, goodness sake she is only 5 or 6 years old, she shouldnt have had so much trouble already in her little life. Her behaviour is not untypical however, these girls all have difficult histories and have never really known loving responses from adults to modify their behaviour and teach them about trust and safety. Hopefully given time and love at the centre, they will all learn to feel loved and safe.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Birds and dust.
Just back from a very pleasant bird watching trip. Still very hazy in the mornings so not great light conditions for birding plus lots of dust from passing trucks once we turned off the tarmac road. Took me a while to persuade my DH to have a trip out but he seemed to enjoy it once we were out there. It wasn't too hot and we didn't have to go too far out of town before we spotted loads of egrets and ibis not far from the roadside in a patch of wet ground. I was afraid to take my binoculars (so many security issues here, people will stop and ask what you are looking at, not always in a friendly way) so there were a lot of birds I couldn't identify. All in all though, a nice trip and just good to get out of the city.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Kite flying
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
My girls
Had a good visit to the girls centre today. It was lovely to see 'my girls' again after more than 6 weeks. Some of the have grown their hair just long enough to have it plaited, looks so sweet. Now instead of interacting with all of the girls, the centre manager has allocated me 6 girls in the 5-7 age group (I think, some of them don't know their ages) to work with more closely. I took a couple of story books and sat in the dining area with the 6 but some of the others kept wandering in to see the pictures. I had to tell them they could not stay and they were disappointed so I felt bad. What to do?
This morning I had a walk around the block at 9am before it got too hot. Some of the kids waved and shouted 'good morning', probably the only English they know. Several women responded to my greetings too and it was so nice just to get out of the hotel compound.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Quite an interesting weekend. Friday evening I noticed a commotion around the pool, people were running and calling to others to come. Of course my nose bothered me so I had to go and have a look. There was a monkey sitting by the pool, calm as you like! Most people, I discovered, were not actually running away to safety as I first, they were running to fetch cameras and phones to take pictures of it! He was quite a big fella (assuming it was a male) and seemed relaxed around people, as if he was posing for the cameras, until the dog started chasing him that is. I thought he was rather scary personally. I know they can be vicious and unpredictable so I was all for chasing it away. I didn't fancy it taking up residence in the grounds, that's for sure. I sat on the patio with DH and a colleague having drinks and nibbles before dinner while some residents threw fruit for the monkey to eat. Great, I thought, that will just make him want to come back.
He was still around the next day, I was in the pool when he just came sauntering up. I flicked water at him, not having anything firmer to hand! That must have hurt his feelings as he did wander off in a huff only to reappear later (was he stalking me?) right behind me on a path through the camp. I found some stones that time but I do tend to throw like a girl so was not a real threat. He wandered off down the path and through an open gate into the empty lot behind the hotel as if to say, 'we'll i was leaving anyway!'.
I think I was the only person in the place who didn't get a photo of him so you will just have to use your imagination, ok?
Haven't seen him around today. Did see a mongoose though, rather shy and retiring creature, keeping to the shadows in the evening.
Cant imagine how I was ever bored here!!!!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Here we go again!
Here I am back in Juba after a lovely 6 weeks in England. Christmas with my mum up north was great and new year with my husband in our house in wiltshire was cosy and fun.
Arriving at Juba airport is always an experience, Thursday was no exception. No air conditioning, wall to wall people and no polite queuing! I did get my visa eventually, and had my luggage checked and marked with a chalk cross before exiting the building into the hot afternoon sun and the warm welcome of our driver.
Not much change at the hotel, usual suspects present, lots of 'welcome back' s and 'Happy New Year' s and hugs from the female staff. We just dumped the cases and headed for the pool, bliss!