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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Kite flying

Another hot, hazy day in Juba. Myself and my DH (darling husband to those who are not familiar with this blog) were in the pool at the hotel this morning, feeling very chilled out and refreshed by the cool water. We saw the kites circuling on thermals in the distance and then they got closer....and closer.... then they were directly above us in the pool, at times only 8-10 metres above our heads, they started swooping and diving around. It was spectacular, almost as if it was choreographed! Moments like that make being here much more of an adventure.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My girls

Had a good visit to the girls centre today. It was lovely to see 'my girls' again after more than 6 weeks. Some of the have grown their hair just long enough to have it plaited, looks so sweet. Now instead of interacting with all of the girls, the centre manager has allocated me 6 girls in the 5-7 age group (I think, some of them don't know their ages) to work with more closely. I took a couple of story books and sat in the dining area with the 6 but some of the others kept wandering in to see the pictures. I had to tell them they could not stay and they were disappointed so I felt bad. What to do?
This morning I had a walk around the block at 9am before it got too hot. Some of the kids waved and shouted 'good morning', probably the only English they know. Several women responded to my greetings too and it was so nice just to get out of the hotel compound.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Quite an interesting weekend. Friday evening I noticed a commotion around the pool, people were running and calling to others to come. Of course my nose bothered me so I had to go and have a look. There was a monkey sitting by the pool, calm as you like! Most people, I discovered, were not actually running away to safety as I first, they were running to fetch cameras and phones to take pictures of it! He was quite a big fella (assuming it was a male) and seemed relaxed around people, as if he was posing for the cameras, until the dog started chasing him that is. I thought he was rather scary personally. I know they can be vicious and unpredictable so I was all for chasing it away. I didn't fancy it taking up residence in the grounds, that's for sure. I sat on the patio with DH and a colleague having drinks and nibbles before dinner while some residents threw fruit for the monkey to eat. Great, I thought, that will just make him want to come back.
He was still around the next day, I was in the pool when he just came sauntering up. I flicked water at him, not having anything firmer to hand! That must have hurt his feelings as he did wander off in a huff only to reappear later (was he stalking me?) right behind me on a path through the camp. I found some stones that time but I do tend to throw like a girl so was not a real threat. He wandered off down the path and through an open gate into the empty lot behind the hotel as if to say, 'we'll i was leaving anyway!'.
I think I was the only person in the place who didn't get a photo of him so you will just have to use your imagination, ok?
Haven't seen him around today. Did see a mongoose though, rather shy and retiring creature, keeping to the shadows in the evening.
Cant imagine how I was ever bored here!!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Here we go again!

Here I am back in Juba after a lovely 6 weeks in England. Christmas with my mum up north was great and new year with my husband in our house in wiltshire was cosy and fun.
Arriving at Juba airport is always an experience, Thursday was no exception. No air conditioning, wall to wall people and no polite queuing! I did get my visa eventually, and had my luggage checked and marked with a chalk cross before exiting the building into the hot afternoon sun and the warm welcome of our driver.
Not much change at the hotel, usual suspects present, lots of 'welcome back' s and 'Happy New Year' s and hugs from the female staff. We just dumped the cases and headed for the pool, bliss!