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Sunday, January 20, 2013


Quite an interesting weekend. Friday evening I noticed a commotion around the pool, people were running and calling to others to come. Of course my nose bothered me so I had to go and have a look. There was a monkey sitting by the pool, calm as you like! Most people, I discovered, were not actually running away to safety as I first, they were running to fetch cameras and phones to take pictures of it! He was quite a big fella (assuming it was a male) and seemed relaxed around people, as if he was posing for the cameras, until the dog started chasing him that is. I thought he was rather scary personally. I know they can be vicious and unpredictable so I was all for chasing it away. I didn't fancy it taking up residence in the grounds, that's for sure. I sat on the patio with DH and a colleague having drinks and nibbles before dinner while some residents threw fruit for the monkey to eat. Great, I thought, that will just make him want to come back.
He was still around the next day, I was in the pool when he just came sauntering up. I flicked water at him, not having anything firmer to hand! That must have hurt his feelings as he did wander off in a huff only to reappear later (was he stalking me?) right behind me on a path through the camp. I found some stones that time but I do tend to throw like a girl so was not a real threat. He wandered off down the path and through an open gate into the empty lot behind the hotel as if to say, 'we'll i was leaving anyway!'.
I think I was the only person in the place who didn't get a photo of him so you will just have to use your imagination, ok?
Haven't seen him around today. Did see a mongoose though, rather shy and retiring creature, keeping to the shadows in the evening.
Cant imagine how I was ever bored here!!!!

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